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Friday, April 24, 2015

Windows Phones vs Android Phones

So you already now the marketplace is absolutely flood with new devices and its actually very confusing to buys a smart phone.Know a days there too many things to choose from so I mean first question come in mind should I get windows phone android or Iphone.

The first advantage of the windows phones is that they are cheap in prices where the android start from 500$ to so , on where with the cheap prices in the windows phone you get a better camera with equivalent the prices of the windows devices for example Nokia Lumia series is known for the fantastic cameras this os ne of the ways that windows device manufacturers.have down to separate themselves from the android one of the befit of android is updated every month.

In the Android, there are millions of app on the other hand windows is growing but not too much it will not compare to the android. the performance of the device depend on the device, but now the android phone are coming with the good RAM and GPU memory which give the devices benefit to run big games.

The Human Interation of the future of Mobile Device

The article discusses four point toward the increasing of the mobile research in human-computer interaction.
Fist point
Second point he Made
Third point
Four point
Trend:1 The overall the population of the smartphone are increasing rapidly according to the research paper by 2050 there will be 4199 million users will active in USA.There was 42% increased in the 45 years of the current population.

Trend:2 The increasing amount of personal computing done away from the desktop.As mobile drives are nowadays part of our routine, but there are issues due to small screen hard to read context on mobile phones when sunlight is striking on your cell phone according to the research paper.Once situational impairments are better understood, it would be useful and interesting to discover whether physical impairments and situational impairments affect users in similar ways.

Trend #3: The increasing capabilities of ever-smaller devices.

Due to much device it is frustrating to learn new input techniques when encountering each new device.For example, there are PDA we had graffiti then it becomes graffiti 2 PocketPC need jot.If we are to take advantage of the trend of growing device capabilities, we will have to design more powerful input techniques for humans to utilize on virtually any device or off-desktop platform.

Trend #4: The convergence of computing capabilities onto the mobile phone.

According to the research paper that in 2004 in Europe there were 15 billion SMS messages were sent each month.And now days Africa is the world fastest growing mobile phone markets."But research will have to be conducted that involves experts across the HCI spectrum, from anthropology to interaction designers to usability engineers.The social, economic, educational, and medical issues will have to be understood before software can be written or user interfaces designed."

"New research opportunities exist for improving mobile device accessibility; understanding, sensing, and responding to situational impairments; inventing new input techniques that can be used across multiple devices; and deploying new applications for education and medicine in developing nations. These exciting efforts await researchers skilled in mobile HCI and in meeting the needs of real users."


Blair, P. (2005) A customizable hardware input interface for wireless, mobile devices. Proceedings of
RESNA 2005. Arlington, Virginia: RESNA Press.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Screenless Display

Technological advancement these days is moving to a quicker pace. the most recent show technology -Touch Screen show, usually utilized in our smart phones and tablet computers can move to a mere history within the returning future.Without any help of the screen the projector Screen less display technology has the main aim of displaying transmitting the information. For the next genration screen fewer displays have become a new rage of development.

Holographic technology was a part of the screenless display has sadly not gone terribly so much past trickery with mirrors.So currently there have been no new research on the holographic technology.

[1)“Screen Less Display-The Emerging computer technology” K. Ranganath, M. Sravanthy, P. Krupali/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

Next generation Virtual Shopping Store

Virtual Shopping Center is one of the amazing interaction with virtual world with the real world using smart phone you can do shopping buy scanning the BAR-code or QR code after activating the application on their smartphone when customer take the phone or scan the barcode of the product they want to buy with couple of more steps to making payment and letting them know when and where to deliver the product.It is more convince for the busy user who is busy with their schedule.Or we can say it is a mobile retail revolution.

Virtual shopping is a new idea among the people . Moreover, with the increase usage of smartphones among them, and people’s need of having a relaxed life along with having everything at their fingertips.

Adoption of virtual shopping: Using smart phones and QR codes Volume 17 – October, 2014
Yang, K., & Kim, H.-Y. (2012). Mobile shopping motivation: an application of multiple discriminant analysis. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 1-13.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Digital Currency Bitcoin

Are names as bitcoin UToken, e-gold, and lots more.Know days the digital currency has enjoyed a rapid rise in taking the an online currency which is not control by any government not any single company event.In previous day we send letter but know days we do email.thing are changing rapidly know a days so the digital currency is the future or next evolution of the financial services mean sis just a better way to trade money to store money on and you do this on a global basis.The digital money has restriction you can't able to make too much money the algorithm manage and track the digital money.

And mostly in Californi most of the shops and restaurants are accepting bitcoins.The latin housegirl in Miami also accepts bitcoin it is revolution in the digital currency and it is more secure to transfer digital currency from one place to other.

There are some web apppicaiton which provide the services that help you to find restaurant which accepts bitcoins

And there are many web applications which provide you direction for the ATM which are in town like:

Reference :

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Examining the Edit Methods and Edit View (C#)

In this section, you'll examine the generated action methods and views for the movie controller. Then you'll add a custom search page.
Run the application and browse to the Movies controller by appending /Movies to the URL in the address bar of your browser. Hold the mouse pointer over an Edit link to see the URL that it links to.